The Exclusive Econtamination Method of Cross Stitch

1. Remove cosmetic dirt from cross stitch:
Cross stitch can easily get stained with lipstick or foundation dirt, and if not treated immediately, it will become a difficult stain to clean up. Lipsticks (lipsticks) are mixed with various spices and pigments, and most of them are oily lipsticks. If the lipstick is stained on a cotton cloth, it is easy to wash off with warm soapy water, alcohol or volatile oil, or any of the above liquids. If the lipstick is stained with fibers other than cotton, first use gauze with some alcohol, wipe it on the lipstick print, and then put it in warm water with washing powder dissolved in it to wash the lipstick completely.

2. Remove tea and coffee stains from cross stitch:

Tea stains or coffee stains on cross stitch can usually be removed if treated immediately. The treatment method is: to pat on the dirt with a wet towel until the dirt is clean.

3. Remove ink stains from cross stitch:

To remove ink stains, try rinsing with water first, or scrubbing with detergent. If traces remain, apply 5/6 drops of acetic acid dissolved in a tablespoon of hot water to remove the stain.

4. Remove juice stains from cross stitch:

If the cross stitch is stained with juice, it is more difficult to remove, so when it is stained, it must be dealt with immediately, otherwise, it will become a stubborn spot after a long time, and it will be difficult to clean up. As soon as it gets on the juice, pat the contaminated area with a damp towel, and then wash it with washing powder. If there are still spots, you can use bleach to bleach them. If the juice agent has been delayed for a long time, it must be handled in different ways. First, the nature of the juice must be distinguished to take an appropriate method. If it is a sweet juice, you can wash it with ginger and white radish. If it is astringent, wash it with vinegar. If you have a sour juice, you can use an alkaline detergent to remove it or wash it with one liter of water and 20 CC of water. Pigmented juices, such as watermelon juice and mango juice, can be washed off with alcohol.

5. Remove blood stains from cross stitch:

When the cross stitch is stained with blood, if you rinse it with water immediately, the blood can be removed. If it has been a long time, you can also use a damp cloth to pat, and then scrub with soap or detergent, you can also wash it clean. Or put raw shredded radish on the blood-stained place. After about 30 minutes, let the amylase in the radish break down the protein in the blood, and the blood can be removed.

6. Remove the dirt from the cross stitch:

When the cross stitch is stained with sludge, it should not be wiped immediately at this time, otherwise, the scope of the sludge will only become larger and larger. You should wait for it to dry naturally, and then rub it with a brush or fingertips to remove the sludge. If there are still stains, it can be cleaned with detergent, or scrubbed with a sponge dipped in alcohol, and also scrubbed with potato chips.

7. Remove the red potion stains on the cross stitch:
If the cross stitch is accidentally stained with red syrup, just add some ammonia to warm soapy water, and it can be washed off, or you can use alcohol and acetic acid.

8. Cross stitch with soy sauce:

It must be dealt with on the spot. Immediately with water in your mouth and carefully suck it, you can suck the dirt away as it is (but be careful not to suck it with your lipstick-coated mouth). Of course, if this practice is really unsightly in a public place, then you can do it in the bathroom, always knowing that the stains must be removed as soon as possible. If the contamination has passed for a period of time, it can be washed with a detergent or a 2% borax solution. In addition, a piece of lotus root can also be smashed, and the juice can be applied to the contaminated area and scrubbed, and the soy sauce stain can be eliminated.

9. Remove the paint from the cross stitch:

When the cross stitch is stained with paint, you can add a caustic sodium solution to the warm water, immerse the part that is stained with the paint in it, wait for a while and then gently rub with your fingertips.

10. Remove wine stains from cross stitch:

If the cross stitch is stained with wine, it must be dealt with on the spot. If the wine is colorless (stains such as sake or beer), first pat it off with a cloth dampened with water, then pat lightly with a cloth dampened with neutral detergent, and then Remove the detergent with a cloth of water. If it takes a long time, you can add a few drops of vinegar and ammonia to the cloth, and then tap lightly on the stain. Or use a one-to-one ratio of acetic acid and alcohol, add eight times the aqueous solution, and pat and wash with a squeezed wet towel. If the cross stitch is stained with wine stains, because the wine stains contain pigments, stains will be left. The removal method is to use alcohol and Ammonia water mixed in half and rub it on the contaminated area. Or first, rub it with a cloth dampened with salt water, and then wipe it with a wrung towel to remove stains. However, for stains that have been around for a while, you must try it with acetic acid water. If the pigment has not faded, you must bleach it with bleach.